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Deveau electronic, quality assurance

Note on the use of the micro switch

Editor:Click:0Time:2015-08-29 【BigMiddle Small
Note: when using the
2) please note that free state action should not be directly on the actuator button or exert force when used for the button should force is applied to the vertical direction.
3) after the action set, the O.T. value of 70[%] is the standard. In the case of the switch, do not set the action to the limit position, so as to avoid the impact of the opening and closing, over the stroke shorten life.
2 on the operating characteristics of the change of
On the change of the action characteristic, the change of the 20[%] in the action characteristic value of the specification should not cause the failure.
About 3
4 in the use of small current, voltage, it is recommended to use a small power circuit (Au).
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